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Custom Environment Variables ​

While node-config used for application configuration recommends to pass environment based configuration as a JSON string in a single NODE_CONFIG environment variable, it is also possible to use other environment variables via the config/custom-environment-variables.json file which looks like this by default:

  "port": {
    "__name": "PORT",
    "__format": "number"
  "host": "HOSTNAME",
  "authentication": {
    "secret": "FEATHERS_SECRET"

This sets app.get('port') using the PORT environment variable (if it is available) parsing it as a number and app.get('host') from the HOSTNAME environment variable and the authentication secret to the FEATHERS_SECRET environment variable.


See the node-config custom environment variable documentation for more information.

Dotenv ​

To add support for dotenv .env files run

npm install dotenv --save

And update src/app.ts as follows:

// dotenv replaces all environmental variables from ~/.env in ~/config/custom-environment-variables.json
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'

// or for ES6

import 'dotenv/config';

import configuration from '@feathersjs/configuration'


dotenv.config() needs to run before import configuration from '@feathersjs/configuration'

Released under the MIT License.